Selecting our best products
A network of professionals who check quality and sustainability regulations and are ready to evaluate fishing activity to ensure high quality levels.
Products of Thai origin, they are fished and prepared in the factory.
We have two kinds of prawns.
Argentine prawns – of Argentine origin, fished and then frozen on board, size L1 prawns C1, C2 and C3 and CR are prawn tails.
Normally packaged in a 2kg inner box
Peeled and deveined prawns farmed in Vietnam, available in various sizes.
We have two kinds of product.
These products from fish farms in Ecuador come in various different sizes, whole, without head or peeled.
The Thai origin ones are butterfly cut and breaded.
Sourced in Mexico, can come in blocks or as IQF in various different sizes.
Products of Thai origin that are fished and then prepared in the factory.
They can come in blocks or as IQF.
They come as IQF and in blocks and can be baby flower octopus or otherwise.
Products of Thai origin, they are fished and then processed in the factory.
They can come in blocks or as IQF.
Cod fillets fished around the Faroe Islands, available in various different sizes.
Thai origin, cleaned and butterfly cut
We travel around the world to find just the best quality fish products for you and your clients.
The data given above refers to a survey conducted with our clients in early 2017.
The food that we import is now subject to controls and obligatory checks on standards laid down by regulations which are carried out by a team which specialises in quality control to certify that sourcing, transport and processing are carried out in a responsible and safe way.
Our quality guarantee, sustainability and optimised logistics solutions make us the best supplier of prawns, squid, octopus and cod fillets.
We carefully check the sourcing areas of the raw materials used, to ensure that they have not being overfished, and that they will thus also be a source of food in the future. We guarantee that our products are sourced and prepared in a responsible way.